I believe that peace, love, and compassion for all humans and all life is of ultimate importance.
I believe we must not sacrifice our own future and our children’s future for short term benefit.
I believe changes to modern economic and governance systems are required to align the interests of modern humans with those of future generations.
I believe a sustainable and healthy relationship between humanity and our home planet at-large is key to our collective health and survival. We are now a dominant influence on the biosphere of our home planet, and in recent centuries we have shirked that responsibility at the expense of future prosperity for our own species and for our planet; in general I believe our collective organization and efforts often fail to reckon with long-term consequences due to a lack of proper incentive alignment.
I believe that focusing on building a sustainable and peaceful relationship with the Earth and each other should be the primary guiding principle behind the majority of our collective efforts. We rely on our planet, the life on and within it, and each other for survival and we must respect and foster this dynamic.
I believe climate change, damage to the global biosphere (e.g. species loss and displacement), and environmental degradation (e.g. atmospheric and aquatic pollution) are some of the most pressing issues of our generation.
All the life, energy, and systems of our world are connected to and are necessary for our survival and prosperity. The rapid pace of human development has short term benefits for many within our species, but at times has created large negative impacts on our collective future prosperity and the natural systems of the Earth that we rely on for survival.
I am interested in connecting with anyone thinking about innovative approaches to addressing the major challenges we face as a species and as a planet.